Exposure object schema
The exposure object allows you to query information about a particular exposure. To learn more, refer to Add Exposures to your DAG.
When querying for an exposure
, the following arguments are available.
Field | Type | Required? | Description |
name | String! | Yes | The name of this exposure |
Below we show some illustrative example queries and outline the schema of the exposure object.
Example query
The example below queries information about an exposure including the owner's name and email, the URL, and information about parent sources and parent models.
job(id: 123) {
exposure(name: "my_awesome_exposure") {
parentsSources {
criteria {
warnAfter {
errorAfter {
parentsModels {
When querying for an exposure
, the following fields are available:
Field | Type | Description |
accountId | BigInt! | The unique ID of the account in dbt Cloud that this node was generated for |
compileCompletedAt | DateTime | The ISO timestamp when the exposure compilation started |
compileStartedAt | DateTime | The ISO timestamp when the exposure compilation started |
dbtVersion | String | The version of dbt used to produce this node |
dependsOn | [String!]! | The list of nodes this exposure depends on |
description | String | The user-supplied description for this node |
environmentId | BigInt! | The unique ID of the account in dbt Cloud that this node was generated for |
executeCompletedAt | DateTime | The ISO timestamp when the exposure execution completed |
executeStartedAt | DateTime | The ISO timestamp when the exposure execution started |
executionTime | Float | The total time elapsed during the execution of this exposure |
exposureType | String | The type of this exposure |
jobId | BigInt! | The unique ID of the account in dbt Cloud that this node was generated for |
manifestGeneratedAt | DateTime | The ISO time when the manifest for this exposure was generated |
maturity | String | The maturity of this exposure |
meta | JSONObject | The key-value store containing metadata relevant to this node |
name | String | The user-supplied name of this particular node |
ownerEmail | String | The email of the owner of this exposure |
ownerName | String | The name of the owner of this exposure |
packageName | String | The package name of this exposure |
parents | [!]! | The list of resources that are ancestors of this exposure |
parentsModels | [ModelNode!]! | The list of models that are parents of this exposure |
parentsSources | [SourceNode!]! | The list of sources that are parents of this exposure |
projectId | BigInt! | The unique ID of the account in dbt Cloud that this node was generated for |
resourceType | String! | The resource type of this node |
runId | BigInt! | The unique ID of the account in dbt Cloud that this node was generated for |
status | String | The execution status of this exposure |
tags | [String!] | The tags associated with this node |
threadId | String | The thread that ran the execution of this exposure |
uniqueId | String! | The unique ID of this node |
url | String | The url of this exposure |